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User Management Video Tutorials

  • Examinee User Creation. This video tutorial will guide you through the process of creating examinees (right click on the video to open in a new tab).
  • Non-examinee User Creation. This video tutorial will guide you through the process of creating non-examinees (site admin, reporter, proctor, assignment admin). 

User Roles

Express users may be classified into two categories - examinees and non-examinees. 

Non examinees and their basic roles are described as follows:



Organization Administrator (admin)

Has access to manage all functions within an organization and across its sites. In addition, Org Admins can:

  • Create site admins
  • Add sites
  • Add/edit manually examinee attributes
  • Manage coupons
  • View item analysis report
  • Create dashboard examinee messages.

Site Administrator (siteadmin)

  • Create and manage proctors, reporters and examinees for a site.
  • Administer organization level tests.
  • Create and administer site level assignments.
  • View site examinee results
  • Can only belong to one site. The site can be modified. However, once the site has been changed, the site admin will not be able to view the examinees or data associated with the previous/historical site(s).
  • View the roster report with data for the site. Cannot view item analysis report.

Assignment Administrator (assignmentadmin)

Create assignments and promotions/coupons.

Reporter/Report Administrator (reportadmin)

  • Views examinee data based upon a default attribute called
  • reportscope=Site   Site=value
View item analysis and
  • . Note that reportscope is configurable.  Use case.  Reporter A wants to view examinee data across multiple offices.  reportscope=office and office=usofficenewope, usofficeslinas,usofficebarren.    Report A would view in reports data from all both offices.
  • View the roster report for examinee data associated with the site

Proctor (proctor)

  • Administers and proctors tests
  • View examinee list and test results
  • Administer organization level tests and site admin tests
  • Proctor site can be modified; however, the proctor will not view the examinees associated with historical proctor site
  • Proctor can only belong to one site


Attributes are additional information or data that is relevant to a user, for example Site. It may be used to specify user and associated data access within the organization. 

Organization Administrators may change or update users' information (such as password, role, site, etc) or attributes from by locating the user the User List,  and clicking on the corresponding  icon. 

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Managing Attributes: Site Use Case



an Examinee


 to a Site

Currently, examinee

Examinee attributes can


be added


or updated manually or using


the Examinee CSV Import tool. An examinee's attributes can be viewed from the Examinee Attributes tab (User List - User Profile).

 Moving an

Any number of custom attributes can be added.

Move Examinee from one Site to another


Examinee to an additional SiteAn examinee

User to Multiple Sites

Users may belong to more than one Site at a time.

An additional site can be added to a non-examinee from the User Attributes page:


 Additional sites can be added

to many non - examinees users

to users by adding a + to the Site header (+Site) and imported (using the


corresponding CSV tool)

Import Header example: User Name,password,First Name,Last Name,Email,+Site

IMPORTANT: if the + is not included in front of the


site  or custom attribute header



current Site attribute of the user

user's profile will be overwritten by the new Site or custom attribute being imported.  In addition, the username cannot be updated.  It is strongly encouraged to use the examinee's email or a unique username.  This eliminates overwriting the information of that examinee.   For example, wsmith is NOT a strong username.  Two users (examinees, reporters, proctors can have the same custom custom attributes, but NOT the same usernames.

Take TestsYNNNNN

Use Case 1.: 

Proctor and Reporter both have the Site attribute called Florida Keys Community College (Key West). Examinees imported also have the Site = Florida attribute Florida Keys Community College (Key West). The proctor can view  

The proctor will be able to view the examinee list and associated data in the roster report for Florida Keys Community College (Key West examineesWest) examinees.

The Reporter can view only examinee data (roster and item analysis) for Florida Keys Community College (Key West).   

Use Case 2.: Proctor and examinee both have a the Site attribute called Florida Keys Community College (Key West).   Examinee site attribute The examinee Site attribute is updated to Broward College (Fort Lauderdale).  The examinee will be removed from Florida Keys site and added to  Broward College (Fort Lauderdale).  Proctor Florida Keys would not view examinee in the user list or data in report.

Import Header Example:

User Name,Password, First Name, Last Name, Email, Site, 2Beagle,Cally, Maguire,, Broward College (Fort Lauderdale)


The examinee will be removed from Florida Keys site and added to Broward College (Fort Lauderdale)Use Case  3

.   Proctor Proctor Florida Keys Community College (Key West) will no longer see the examinee in the user list or associated data in reports.

Use Case 3:

Proctor and examinee have a Site attribute called Florida Keys Community College (Key West).  Additional site Broward College (Fort Lauderdale) added to examinee profile by adding a + to Site (+Site) and imported.

Import Header Example:

User Name, password, First Name, Last Name, Email,+Site, 2Beagle,Cally, Maguire,, Broward College (Fort Lauderdale).     Import now displays the


The examinee profile with will now show two site attributes (see image).

Proctor Florida Keys and Proctor Broward College would both view the be able to see this examinee in the user list and also associated data .

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FeatureExamineeAssignment AdminReporterProctorOrganization AdminSite Admin Create Single UsersNNNY-Examinees OnlyY-All User types. Site Admin must first be created by Org admin.Y-examinees, proctors, and reporters with the same Site attributeBatch Import (with custom attributes)NNNY-only examinees. Attributes automatically associated to ta/proctor. For example if Miami Dade TA(ITA), examinees imported are associated with Miami DadeYY-examinees, proctors and reporters with the same Site attributeRegister examinees by email (single or multiple)NNNNYNView User List(export)NNNExaminees associated with the TAY-All UsersY-examinees, proctors, siteadmins, and reporters with the same Site attributeAPI IntegrationNNNNYNEdit/update attributesNNNY-view existing,add attributes onlyYY-examinees, proctors and reporters with the same Site attributeCreate/Edit  AssignmentsNY-only their ownNY-View titles, test codesYYes-only their ownSetup Vanguard for ChromeNNNY-views security code and can provide Vangauad install instructions to non-examinees (proctor and site admin)NNCreate Dashboard MessageNNNNYNView Available AssignmentsNY-only their ownNY-titles onlyY-Y-same as proctor–can only edit their own assignments.Administer a testNNNY-based upon site attribute or an organization assignmentYY-their own and tests assigned from the org amin levelReopen a testNNNYYYRoster Report NY-all assignments within the organizationY-attribute limit viewY-attributes limit viewYY-attributes limit viewIndividual ReportOnly if availableNY-attribute limit viewY-attributes limit viewYY-attributes limit view to only examinees within the siteItem Analysis ReportNY-can view items for assignments within their organizationY-attributes limit view, cannot view itemsNYN

as well.

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