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All non-examinee users have access to the Roster report. Administrators have access to the Item Analysis report for in-depth data analysis at the test and item level. 

  • Administrators can view roster, item analysis and test status reports

  • Reporter/Report Administrators can view roster and test status reports

  • Assignment Administrators can view roster and test status report

  • Site Administrators can view roster and test status report (site specific (Roster))

  • Proctors can view roster and test status report (site specific (Roster))

  • Examinees cannot view reports

The availability of the data displayed is controlled by the non-examinee's attributes. These reports are described below. 

Item Analysis Report

The item analysis report provides detailed statistical information on items on the test. The item analysis is a process which examines student responses to individual test items (questions) in order to assess the quality of those items and of the test as a whole

  • Mean, Mode, Median
  • Difficulty, Standard of Deviation, and Discrimination

Roster Report

The roster report provides a detailed breakdown of a single examinee’s assignments, progress and scores, among other details.

Using the Filters

  1. Select the specific range needed from the 'Date From' and 'Date To' fields
  2. From the Filters tab, enter the search parameters for each field as needed. To select all options in a multiple option field (example: Display/Export Column(s)), click and drag down, or CTRL + click to select all or more than one option at the same time.
  3. Clicking on an examinee name from the item list displays a comprehensive certificate with breakdown of results.
  4. Click Reset to start over and remove previously selected filters.
  5. Click Save to save settings of a frequently used set of filters.
  6. Hide Filter removes the filter tab from view to allow a better view of the whole report.

Export Data

Clicking on the 'Export Data' link allows downloading the data in Excel or CSV format for the Roster and Item Analysis Reports

Batch Print Individual Reports

Using the Batch Print option, multiple (up to 50) individual reports can be printed or saved in PDF format.

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New! Test Status Report

This report allows users to view a list of assignments and names of the examinees that have not started assigned tests. Users can view the test status of a specific examinee using the Examinee Name filter. The buttons on the top right of the page allows flexible options to save the needed report:

Copy: copies the information to the clipboard so that it can be pasted elsewhere, for example, a Word document 

CSV, Excel, PDF: Saves the report in the specified format

Print: takes a printout of the report

Column Visibility: allows you to choose the columns that you would like to be shown on the report. Restore visibility will reset the default colums columns shown on the report.

Test Status Report

Report Configuration Option(s)

A few of the reporting options can be customized under the Assignment Configuration section. For example, the reporter, proctor or administrator may want to view a detailed individual report with score information. When the admin unchecks the "Display Score in Dashboard" option, the examinee views a custom message upon assessment completion and not the actual score information.