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Assignment Settings-Ability to add a url examinee resource.

  • Organization admins can now add url links as resources to an assignment.
  • Resources are automatically available to the examinee on the dashboard.

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Individual Assignment Period Setting Video Tutorial (right click to open in a new window or tab)

Assignment Setting- Individual Assignment Period.

As an organization admin, I want the assignment expiration period to be specific from when it is assigned to the individual examinee.

  • The assignment period can be global, assignment expiration is the same START AND END DATE for all examinees.

  • The assignment period can be individualized, based upon the number of days starting from when it was assigned to the indivdiual examinee. For example:
    • John was assigned the test by the proctor on 12/2/2020.  The assignment will expire in 30 days-01/01/2021.
    • Ben purchased the assignment from the organization's store on Dec 3, 2020.  Ben's assignment will expire in 30 days-01/02/2021.

Assignment Settings-Linking Assignment Period to another Assignment

An organization admin can link a second assignment to another assignment. This would automatically match the individual assignment period, the # of days starting from when the first assignment is assigned to a user, to the second/linked assignment. 

  • Use Case 1.  Jill completes the first assignment. Note-THE FIRST ASSIGNMENT MUST BE A PATHWAY ASSIGNMENT IN ORDER TO GENERATE THE CONDITIONAL ATTRIBUTE She returns to her dashboard and the second assignment is available.  The admin has set the expiration of the parent/first assignment to be 30 days.  She must complete both, the first and the linked/second assignment within the 30 day assignment period.

  • Use Case 2.  Jane purchases the assessment through the organization's Adaptera Buy Store.    Jane FAILS the first/parent assignment.   The second/linked assessment would be available, as the condition is set to only deliver if the first/parent pathway test= "FAIL."


In both user cases, the expiration of the first and linked assignment is the specified # of days starting from when it was assigned to the INDIVIDUAL user.