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  • This line was added.
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Step1: Open a new Excel file/sheet. 

Step 2: Add the examinees and their corresponding data in the Import Tool specified format.  If needed, copy the Import Tool headers to the top of the Excel sheet and add custom attribute headers. 

Step 3: Go to File > Save As and choose .csv file from the 'File Type' dropdown and exit.

Step 4: Now, open the CSV file using Notepad or Textpad and copy the data. Paste this in the Examinee/Non-examinee CSV Import Tool field on Express. 

The process above removes the spaces (when trying to copy and paste data directly from a CSV file) and automatically inserts commas.

 View the videos before starting the import process. RIGHT CLICK TO OPEN IN A NEW TAB.


Express offers an efficient way to import user data using CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. This documentation outlines the structure of the CSV file, column order, and headers required for successful import. Additionally, it describes the optional features like password generation, custom attributes, and reportscope customization. The provided use case exemplifies the process with a practical scenario. 

CSV Format and Column Headers:

The CSV file must adhere to the following format:

  1. The primary role for the user created.
  • admin
  • reportadmin
  • assignmentadmin
  • proctor
  1. User Name: Login username. Email is recommended.
  2. Password (optional): Login password. If not provided, a password will be automatically generated.
  3. First Name: User’s given name.
  4. Last Name: User’s surname.
  5. Email: (optional) Email address (must match the header "Email").
  6. Custom Attribute (optional): Additional attributes associated with the user.
  7. Reportscope (optional): Custom header value for restricting data access (e.g., "Teacher").

CSV Import Process:

  1. Prepare a CSV file according to the specified format and column headers.
  2. Access the import interface in the application.
  3. Paste (CTRL + V) the contents of the CSV file into the provided textbox.
  4. Click on the "Import" button to initiate the import process.

Password Guidelines:

Passwords, if provided, should adhere to the following criteria:

- Length: 8 to 20 characters.

- At least 1 uppercase letter.

- At least 1 lowercase letter.

- At least 1 numeric digit.

Custom Attributes:

Any custom attributes must follow these guidelines:

- Custom attributes can be included as additional columns.

- The header must match the desired attribute name.

-For siteadmin users, the import template should include column “Site,” with reportscope = “Site.”

- Values in the custom attribute columns will be associated with the respective user.

Reportscope Customization:

The "reportscope" field allows customizing access to examinee data for specific roles. For instance, by setting "reportscope" to "Teacher," instructors can access data related to their enrolled students only.

Use Case Example:

Institution A aims to limit instructors to viewing only students in their courses. To achieve this:

- Use the "reportscope" field and set it to "Teacher" for instructors.

- Include relevant user information in the CSV file, following the specified column order and headers.

Example CSV for Teacher:

Role,User Name,Password,First Name,Last Name,Email,teacher,school,reportscope

reportadmin,,passwordts1,Thomas,Smith,, tomsmithteacher,arlington,teacher


Example CSV for Siteadmin:

Role,User Name,Password,First Name,Last Name,Email,Site,reportscope




Express provides a straightforward approach to import user data using CSV files. By adhering to the outlined format, column headers, and optional features like password generation, custom attributes, and reportscope customization, users can efficiently manage their examinee data. The use case demonstrates how these features can be applied in a practical scenario.