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Each organization  organization has their own personalized registration and procurement system for distributing tests.

  • Secure
  • EastFast, easy-just create your assignment/products.
  • Customizable

Adaptera BuyImage Modified

Custom Store Front

  • Brandable
  • Set pricing
  • Create discount coupons
  • Set registration fields (dropdown, m.c, text field)
  • Customize email communication
  • Identify onboarding process

Use Case 1. Secure Certification Exams

TAP-C organization wanted  test center employee assessment products available in a branded store.   Assessment products administered are secure.  Discount coupon codes were needed for specific groups.  The discount codes could be updated or inactivated.    Tests are administered in a proctored test environment. Proctors are certified to administer tests.

  • Custom Registration From. Examinee/buyers selected their current employment test site  in the registration form.
  • Custom email form.  Examinee/buyers received an email with specific test process including the test site and contact information.
  • Onboarding.  The examinee account was automatically created in their branded test application (  
  • Test Administration. 
    • Proctor/site admin were created at time of registration. 
    • Examinee arrived at testing site with credentials. 
    • Proctor verified credentials, signed in, located examinee from the site user list and launched the test.  
  • Examinee completed test. Examinee received a certificate if "Passed."

Use Case 2.  State Test Prep

Organization wanted to deliver State Test Prep for the writing component of the State Assessment.   Writing packages were created that includes prompts/writing tasks and used many of Vantage technologies, including Intellimetric, to understand a student's writing and provide guidance.   

  • Custom Registration form
  • Custom writing packages. Each State package including two writing prompts with unlimited revisions. 
  • Onboarding.  Buyer selects product and state from the registration form. Buyer receives an email with sign in credentials. 
  • Package navigation. Buyer or student signs in, views dashboard with additional information. Clicks starts, composes essay, submits for automatic scoring.
  • Adaptive Revision Support.  Student has their own personal writing coach, MY Tutor. MY Tutor guides the student through the revision process, adapting instruction to meet the specific needs of the student.
  • Adaptive Editing Support.  The student has their own personal editor, MY Editor. MY Editor identifies errors in grammar, mechanics and usage and provides adaptive "mini-lessons"