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  • Add Report Content to Dashboard

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h4. Video Walkthrough


h3. Add Report Content Through Report:
# On your homepage, go to the top right where it says "*Reports*" and select *Reports*.
# You will continue by opening the Report of your choice.
# Now scroll down to your *Summary* section, where you will see tables and charts.
# To add a *Table* or *Chart*, you will see an *Add to Dashboard* link.
# Once the correct dashboard is selected, click *Add to Dashboard*.
# If you then go to that selected dashboard, your report content will then show up on this dashboard.

h4. Video Walkthrough


h3. Add Report Content Through Dashboard:
# On your homepage, go to the top right where it says *Dashboards*, and select the dashboard you would like to view.
# Once on your dashboard, go to the sprocket on the top right and select *Add Report Content*.
# On the next page you will see a list of your reports on the left, *Select* the report you would like to add content from.
# Once your report has been selected, a list of formulas created within the report will be on the page.
# Click on the formula that is relevant to the content you wish to add to your dashboard.
# Within this page, you will either see a *Table* or a *Chart*.
# Select the correct dashboard to add the content to, then click the link *Add to Dashboard* under the table or chart.
# The data you just added will appear in your dashboard.
