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  • Add Report Content to Dashboard
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Video Walkthrough


Add Report Content Through Report:

  1. On your homepage, go to the top right where it says "Reports" and select Reports.
  2. You will continue by opening the Report of your choice.
  3. Now scroll down to your Summary section, where you will see tables and charts.
  4. To add a Table or Chart, you will see an Add to Dashboard link.
  5. Once the correct dashboard is selected, click Add to Dashboard.
  6. If you then go to that selected dashboard, your report content will then show up on this dashboard.

Video Walkthrough

Add Report Content Through Dashboard:

  1. On your homepage, go to the top right where it says Dashboards, and select the dashboard you would like to view.
  2. Once on your dashboard, go to the sprocket on the top right and select Add Report Content.
  3. On the next page you will see a list of your reports on the left, Select the report you would like to add content from.
  4. Once your report has been selected, a list of formulas created within the report will be on the page.
  5. Click on the formula that is relevant to the content you wish to add to your dashboard.
  6. Within this page, you will either see a Table or a Chart.
  7. Select the correct dashboard to add the content to, then click the link Add to Dashboard under the table or chart.
  8. The data you just added will appear in your dashboard.


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