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Organization and assignment managers can easily create and customize the assignments (tests, surveys, pathways)delivered to examinees.  This includes options to specify what content is displayed, how it is displayed, and when it is available.

Step 1.


 Click on


the Assignments


 link in the header to open


the Assignments management page.  Enter the name of the assignment and select the type (test, survey, pathway). The list of tests will appear in the dropdown.  You can preview the test by clicking on the magnifying icon next to the name of the



Step 2.  Click


on Settings


 tab to configure settings.

Step 3. Click on Security to set security settings.

Step 4. Click on Tools to configure available tools (calculator, ruler, math formula, proctractor, scientific calculator.

Step 5. Select Report to set the availability of the report to the examinee.

Step 6. Click on Time and Schedule to set timer settings.

Step 7. Click on Conditions to configure the availability of the assignment (i.e. all examinees, attribute based (i.e. only to examinees with grade attribute equal to 8).

Step 8.  Click on Redirect to set the url of where the examinee will land once test is completed. Default value is the examinee dashboard.

Step 9. Click on Writing if the test  is or contains an essay.

Step 10. Select Reminder to automatically email examinees the due date for the assignment.

Step 11.  Select Resources if you want the examinee to have access to additional materials before they start the assignment. These documents would be displayed on the the examinee dashboard next to the assignment name.

Step 12.  Click on AdapteraBuy if the assignment will be available in your organization's store. Please click on AdapteraBuy  for additional information.

Click on ‘Add Assignment’ at the top of the Assignments page



the Assignment Configuration


 page, enter the name and description in the corresponding boxes



the Tests


 tab, select the assignment type from the dropdown list of available tests

Select the corresponding test

(Click on the icon to see a preview of the selected test)

 Under the ‘Settings’ tab, select a TimeZone. As this is a required field, you will not be able to save the assignment unless this is selected.

  • The rest of the options are available to help customize assignments according to your specific needs.

  • Select the Active/Inactive status for the assignment.

  • Once you have completed entering all the required information and customized the assignment, Click on ‘Save’. (Fields marked with an 🞿 are mandatory)

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This appears on the right of the page:


Test Assignment Code: given to examinees so that they may work on the assignment. Examinees require test assignment codes to activate assignments given to them.  Self Registration Link:AdapteraBuy Link: