In addition to this guide, see the list of Custom Expression Examples that demonstrates some of the possibilities.
Boolean Not |
! |
Unary Plus, Unary Minus |
+x, -x |
Modulus |
% |
Division |
/ |
Multiplication |
* |
Addition, Subtraction |
+, - |
Less or Equal, More or Equal |
<=, >= |
Less Than, Greater Than |
<, > |
Not Equal, Equal |
!=, == |
Boolean And |
&& |
Boolean Or |
|| |
Assignment |
= |
Assignment allows the values of variables to be set by using the =
operator in equations so it is possible to assign values with expressions like
x = 3
then use the assigned values in an expression such as
y = x^2
and y
will have the value 9. Assignment is enabled by default. Variable names can not have "." in the name.
All functions accept arguments of the Double and Complex type, except atan2 which only accepts Double arguments.
Description |
Function Name |
Sine |
sin(x) |
Cosine |
cos(x) |
Tangent |
tan(x) |
Arc Sine2 |
asin(x) |
Arc Cosine2 |
acos(x) |
Arc Tangent |
atan(x) |
Arc Tan with 2 parameters |
atan2(y, x) |
Secant |
sec(x) |
Cosecant |
cosec(x) |
Co-tangent |
cot(x) |
Hyperbolic Sine |
sinh(x) |
Hyperbolic Cosine |
cosh(x) |
Hyperbolic Tangent |
tanh(x) |
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine |
asinh(x) |
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine1 |
acosh(x) |
Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent1 |
atanh(x) |
All functions accept arguments of the Double and Complex types.
Description |
Function Name |
Natural Logarithm1 |
ln(x) |
Logarithm base 101 |
log(x) |
Logarithm base 21 |
lg(x) |
Exponential (e^x) |
exp(x) |
Power1 |
pow(x) |
All functions accept either a vector (e.g. min(1,2,3)) or a set of numbers (e.g.min(1,2,3)).
Description |
Function Name |
Average |
avg(x1,x2,x3,...) |
Minimum |
min(x1,x2,x3,...) |
Maximum |
max(x1,x2,x3,...) |
Vector Sum |
vsum(x1,x2,x3,...) |
Description |
Function Name |
Round |
round(x), round(x, p) |
Round to integer |
rint(x), rint(x, p) |
Floor |
floor(x) |
Ceiling |
ceil(x) |
Description |
Function Name |
If |
if(cond, trueval, falseval) |
Str (convert number to string) |
str(x) |
Absolute Value / Magnitude |
abs(x) |
Random number |
rand() |
Modulus |
mod(x,y) |
Square Root1 |
sqrt(x) |
Sum |
sum(x,y,...) |
Binomial coefficients |
binom(n, i) |
Signum |
signum(x) |
Description |
Function Name |
Real Component |
re(c) |
Imaginary Component |
im(c) |
Complex Modulus (Absolute Value) |
cmod(c) |
Argument (Angle of complex value, in radians) |
arg(c) |
Complex conjugate |
conj(c) |
Complex, constructs a complex number from real and imaginary parts |
complex(x, y) |
Polar, constructs a complex number from modulus and argument |
polar(r, theta) |
1 By default functions like sqrt(-1) will return a complex result. These functions have constructors with a flag to control their behaviour for out of range values, if the flag is true, then the function will return Double.NaN for out of range real values. If the flag is false they will return the appropriate complex result.
2 By default functions like acos(2) will return Double.NaN. A constructor is available which sets a flag to make the function return the appropriate complex result for such cases.Trigonometric Functions
All functions accept arguments of the Double and Complex type, except atan2 which only accepts Double arguments.
Class |
Description |
LogTwoArg |
Two argument log function where second argument is the base. |
Remainder |
Calculates the remainder and quotient the arguments. Constructors allow different conventions for remainder to be used. |
RoundSF |
Rounds arguments to a specific number of significant figures. |
FromBase |
Converts a string in a given base to numbers. |
Switch |
A switch statement. Returns the value of the argument based on the value of the first argument. |
SwitchDefault |
A switch statement with a default value as final argument. |
Case |
A case statement, first argument is test condition, following arguments are in pairs with a test value and corresponding result. |
IsNull |
Tests if the argument is null. |
IsNaN |
Tests if the argument is NaN. |
IsInfinite |
Tests if the argument is infinite. |
IsType |
Test is the argument is of the type specifies in the constructor. E.g. isDouble |