How Can I Reset My Password?*

You can reset your password by:

  1. Click "Forgot Password?" at the bottom of the Login screen
  2. Type in your email address
  3. Click "Submit"

*If you are accessing IntelliWriter via your LMS (i.e. Canvas, Blackboard, D2L) you will not have a password to log into the platform. Simply go to your LMS and the course in which you are using IntelliWriter, and click on the IntelliWriter icon. 

How Do I Know Who Shared a Document with Me?

From a File

  1. From the File dropdown, select "Open Document."
  2. Select from the "Documents," "Shared to Me," and "Shared by Me" subfolders
    1. "Documents" allows you to:
      1. Share your documents
      2. Rename your documents
      3. Delete your documents
      4. Manage sharing permissions for your documents
        1. Click "Share" to view a full list of all shared persons and their permission levels
    2. "Shared to Me" allows you to view all documents shared to you
      1. Click "Show versions" to see all versions you and the author have created. The author's name is listed to the right of the document information.
    3. "Shared by Me" allows you to manage
      1. Share your documents
      2. Rename your documents
      3. Delete your documents
      4. Manage sharing permissions for your documents
        1. Click "Share" to view a full list of all shared persons and their permission levels

While in a Document

  1. Click on the "Share" tab
  2. This tab will tell you whom you've shared the document with.

Why Can't My Student Share a Document with Me?

  1. In order for your students to successfully share a document with you, you must activate your account as a faculty or tutor. To activate your account, do one of the following options:
    1. Log into your IntelliWriter account via your LMS (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, etc.) 
    2. Follow the Self-Registration Process 

Why Can't I Comment on or Edit This Shared Document?

The document's author decides on the permission level which you will have as they share it with you*. There are three permission levels the author might have selected:

  1. Comment – – the shared to person can read your document, edit, and add their thoughts or suggestions as comments. This is the highest permission level.
  2. Write – the shared to person can read or write in your document. Writing includes adding to your writing, deleting sections, or performing other actions. 
  3. Read - the shared to person can only read your document; they cannot change your writing or interact with your document in any way. This is the lowest permission level.

*If you feel the author has provided you with the wrong permission level, ask them to change it to the proper level. As soon as they make the change, it will take effect in your account.

Why Can't I run a report?

Institutions that have activated the feature will show a "Check My Writing" button under the log in the Resources tab. If that button does not appear, your institution has not enabled this feature. Confirm with your institution if you should have access to