A roll-up field is a custom field that contains an aggregate value calculated over the opportunity records related to a specific opportunity record. For example, roll-up fields in a parent opportunity will encompass all amounts recorded in their respective child opportunities.

Roll-up fields will only display in the parent opportunity. If an opportunity does not have a child opportunity associated to it, these custom values will not appear.

The Four Types of roll-up fields

Remaining Amount – The Remaining Amount Field represents the difference between the Parent Opportunity’s Amount and the Child Closed Won Amount (the total Amount sum of all closed won child opportunities connected to a parent opportunity). For example, if a parent opportunity’s amount is $1000 and the Child Closed Won Amount is $750, the Remaining Amount value will be $250.

Child Open Amount – The Child Open Amount represents the total Amount sum of all open child opportunities connected to a parent opportunity. For example, if a parent opportunity has two open child opportunities – one whose amount is $500 and one whose amount is $200 – the Child Open Amount of the parent opportunity will be $700.

Child Closed Won Amount - The Child Closed Won Amount represents the total Amount sum of all closed won child opportunities connected to a parent opportunity. For example, if a parent opportunity has two open child opportunities – one whose amount is $400 and one whose amount is $200 – the Child Closed Won Amount of the parent opportunity will be $600.

Child Closed Lost Amount - The Child Closed Lost Amount represents the total Amount sum of all closed won child opportunities connected to a parent opportunity. For example, if a parent opportunity has two closed lost child opportunities – one whose amount is $700 and one whose amount is $200 – the Child Closed Won Amount of the parent opportunity will be $900.

How to Create a roll-up field:

To create a roll-up field:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > scroll down and click on Custom Field Settings >make sure you have the Opportunities module selected > and then click on Add New +
  2. The Create Custom Field window will appear. In the Select Field Type: picklist, pick Roll-Up Two values distinct to the Roll-Up Summary will appear: Select Roll-Up Type and Display in Card View.
  3. Label the custom field a label that will help you identify the value (i.e. a roll-up field that with a Child Open Amount type may be labeled Child Open Amount.
  4. Set the Select Roll-Up Type to the respective type (Remaining Amount, Child Open Amount Child Closed Won Amount, Child Closed Lost Amount).
  5. Display in Card View is an optional choice; checking off this option will display the value in the header of a parent opportunity.
  6. Click Save and your custom field should now be saved.

Roll-up Field Example

Below is an example of roll-up fields in action. In this example, all four roll-up types were created from Custom Fields and all were checked off to display in Card View – the header of the parent opportunity.

There is one parent opportunity with three child opportunities. A couple of things to note: