Apply Functions to a Simple Metric

Example: Rounding the average test score to two decimal places

Take the average test score and apply the round(x, p) function, setting the precision p equal to 2.

round([Average: Test Score], 2)

Compare two or more Metrics

Example: Student-Teacher Ratio

The number of students divided by the number of teachers. Distinct counts must be used here if the data contains more than one row per student or teacher.

[Distinct Count: Student ID] / [Distinct Count: Teacher ID]

Use a Comparison to Create a Textual Result

Example: Indicate "Low", "Medium", and "High" Student-Teacher Ratios

Use a variable to record the student-teacher ratio. Then set variables to mark the points at which the ratio is considered medium or high. Finally, use two if (cond, trueValue, falseValue) blocks to return the "Low", "Medium" or "High" text based on the ratio value.

stRatio = [Distinct Count: Student ID] / [Distinct Count: Teacher ID];
mediumThreshold = 20;
highThreshold = 40;

if (stRatio < mediumThreshold,
    if (stRatio >= highThreshold,