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Questions after viewing the MY Access! videos

Video 1 - What is MY Access?

  1. What is MY Access!
  2. Which tool in MY Access! will help you with revision?
  3. Which tool helps you with editing?
  4. How will the scores help you improve your writing?


Video 2 – How Can I Get to the Assignment?

  1. Where do I find my assignments?
  2. What is on the writing page?
  3. How do I submit my writing for a scores
  4. How do I get back to the assignment so that I can begin my revision?


Video 3 – How Can I see the Student Special Instructions?

  1. What kind of information can be shared in Special instructions?
  2. Where are the two places I can view Special Instructions?

Video 4 – Where are the Tools?

  1. Where can I find MY Tutor and how will it help me?
  2. In addition to goals, what other information does MY Tutor provide?
  3. How do I use MY Editor to correct my errors?
  4. Where is the Word Bank located and how can it help me improve my writing?

Video 5 – How Can I See the Essays I Submitted?

  1. Where can I see all my writing and my scores?
  2. How can I view, print or save any essay?
  3. Why should I check my portfolio often?