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Questions after viewing the MY Access! videos

Video 1 - What is MY Access?

What is MY Access? A program that provides tools to help me improve my writing

Which tool in MY Access! will help me with revision? MY Tutor

Which tool helpmes you with editing? MY Editor

How will the scores help me improve your writing? I can see exactly where I need to revise my writing


Video 2 – How Can I Get to the Assignment?

Where do I find my assignments? By clicking the Assignment tab

What is on the writing page? This is where I can type and where all the tools can be found

How do I submit my writing for a score? Click the Submit button at the bottom then click the Submit for a Score button

How do I get back to the assignment so that you can begin my revision? Click back on the Assignment tab then cvlick the Start Revision button next to the assignment.


Video 3 – How Can I see the Student Special Instructions?

What kind of information can be shared in Special instructions? This is what the teacher has added to the assignment to explain how it will be graded or give me more resources

Where are the two places I can view the Special Instructions? On the assignment page by clicking on the red arrow next to the assignment and on the writing page under the Prompt drop down.


Video 4 – Where are the Tools?

Where can I find MY Tutor and how will it help me? MY Tutor is found at the top of the writing page. It gives me suggestions for revising my writing.

In addition to goals, what else will you find MY Tutor? Steps to help me reach the goal and examples of writing.

How do I use MY Editor to correct my errors? You need to click on the link and read the instructions.

Where is the Word Bank and how can it help me improve my writing? The Word Bank is found under the Writers ToolBox on the writing page and helps improve my Vocabulary.


Video 5 – How Can I See the Essays I Submitted?

Where can I see all my writing and my scores? In the Portfolio

How can I view, print or save my writing? Click the box in front of the essay and go to VIEW/PRINT/SAVE under the Essay Actions drop down.

Why should I check your portfolio often? So that I can see how much I have improved and what I still need to do.