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Narrative Rubric


Very Effective




















Focus and Purpose


My story very effectively establishes my point of view and one or more themes.


My story very effectively establishes my point of view and one or more themes.


My story adequately establishes my point of view and one or more themes.


My story has a limited point of view and theme .


My story has a basic point of view and theme that are unfocused.


My story has no point of view or theme.




Content Development


My story has   very effective detailed setting, realistic characters, and a well-developed plot.

My story has   an effective detailed setting, realistic characters, and a well-developed plot.

My story has   an adequat e setting, realistic characters, and a well-developed plot.

My story has   a limited setting, development of characters, and plot.

My story has   an incomplete setting, development of characters, and plot.

My story has few or no details about setting, characters, and plot.






My introduction and conclusion are strong.

My ideas are distinct and organized, and I use strong transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are clearly stated.

My ideas are clearly organized, and I use effective transitional words.

My introduction and

conclusion are adequate.

My ideas are adequately organized, and I use some

transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are weak.

I attempt to organize my ideas, and I use few transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are not clear.

I have little organization, and I need to include additional transitional words.

I did not include and introduction or conclusion.

I have little or no organization or transitional words.



Language Use, Voice and Style


My vocabulary is varied and very effective, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is varied and effective, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is adequate, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is basic, and I have little sentence variety.


My vocabulary is simple, and I have little sentence variety

I use the same vocabulary with no sentence variety.



Mechanics and Conventions


I have few or no errors in grammar and/or mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.


I have few errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.


I have some errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

I have several noticeable or distracting errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling that interfere with the message.

I have serious errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling that

interfere with the message.

I have severe errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling that

significantly interfere with the message.