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Data Requirements and Error CodesError Description
BLANK_LINELine is blank or has only commas
STUDENT_NOT_FOUNDStudent not found
ALREADY_ACTIVEStudent is already labeled as "active."
ALREADY_DEACTIVATEDStudent is already labeled as "deactivated."
MISSING_LICENSESNot enough licenses
DUPLICATE_IDA duplicate student ID exists in the same file.
DUPLICATE_USERNAMEA duplicate username exists in the same file.
DISTRICT_FORMAT * only applicable to eAMSThe district code must be no more than 15 characters and cannot be left blank.
SCHOOL_FORMAT * only applicable to eAMSThe school code must be no more than 15 characters and cannot be left blank.
SCHOOL_ERRIncorrect school code
STATUS_FORMATThe status is required and must be entered as "A" or "D" (active or deactivated)
USERNAME_FORMATThe username must a minimum of six characters and no more than 60 characters and cannot be left blank. No spaces or apostrophes. Username is unique to the system
PASSWORD_FORMATThe password must be a minimum of six characters and no more than 30 characters and cannot be left blank. No spaces or apostrophes.
FIRSTNAME_FORMATThe first name must be no more than 40 characters and cannot be left blank.
LASTNAME_FORMATThe last name must be no more than 40 characters and cannot be left blank.
MIDDLENAME_FORMATThe middle name must be no more than 30 characters.
STUDENTID_FORMATThe student ID must be no more than 20 characters and must be alphanumeric. Student ID's are unique to the DISTRICT.
EMAIL_FORMATThe email must be no more than 60 characters with the format user@domain.domain
DATE_FORMATThe DOB must be entered in the format "'MM/DD/YYYY"
SSN_FORMATThe SSN must be entered as a 9-digit number e.g. 123456789 with no dashes.
GENDER_FORMATThe gender must be entered in the format "M" for male or "F" for female.
GRADE_FORMATThe grade level must be entered as a whole number between 03 and 16.
GROUP_FORMATThe group names must be delimited by a pipe (|), and group name can't exceed 100 characters.
TEACHER_FORMATThe teacher names must be delimited by a pipe (|), and each teacher name can't exceed 60 characters.
GROUP_TEACHER_FORMATEach group name should have a corresponding teacher name- elements delimited by a pipe (|)
TEACHER_GROUP_FORMATEach teacher name should have a corresponding group name-elements delimited by a pipe (|)
TEACHER_ERRThat teacher does not exist in our system.
TEACHER_SCHOOL_ERRThat teacher exists in our system but doesn't belong to the given school.
ETHNICITY_FORMATThe Ethnicity Code must be a valid whole number or left blank.
ECONOMIC_FORMATThe Economic Status Code must be a valid whole number or left blank.
ENGLISH_FORMATThe English Fluency Code must be a valid whole number or left blank.
SPECIAL_FORMATThe Special Programs Code must be a valid whole number or left blank.
TRACK_FORMATThe Track Code must be a valid whole number or left blank.
USERNAME_TAKENThis username is already used in our system.
UNDEFINED ERRORThere was an error in processing this row.
PASSWORD_REQUIREDThere was IGNORE flag specified for the password of the new user.