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School:  ____________________________________________

Teacher: ___________________________________________

Subject/Grade: ______________________________________


Writing Prompt and Writing Skills

Time on Task online/ offline

Instructional Materials/Texts

Learning Activities and Instructional Strategies

MY Access! Tools

Measuring Success




Lesson One : In class/homework

Introduce the prompt

Print out prompt

        Brainstorm – What needs to be done? How does it need to be done? (format)

        Review genre specific rubric

        Complete graphic organizer or outline

        Rough Draft







Lesson Two : (can be a few days later to ensure everyone has completed draft)

        Type out first draft

        Submit for a score










Lesson Three :

        Teacher models a My Tutor lesson for one trait and one revision goal

        Students apply revision skill to their own essay online  and submit for score








Lesson Four:  

        Students select another revision goal and complete revision plan

        Students revise using My Tutor and Writers Toolbox

        Complete reflection in the revision plan

        Students use My Editor to correct errors in the final revision





Modeling MY Tutor trait revisions can be repeated with same prompt (lessons 3 and 4) or teacher can start again with a new prompt.


These lessons do not have to be consecutive and may be more effective if students are given time in between to complete assignments on their own. If there is a block schedule, lessons can be combined.


Big picture…Teacher models focused revision lessons using My Tutor, one trait at a time.