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M-Step Explanatory


MY Access!  Informative/Explanatory


Organization and Purpose

The response has a clear and effective organizational structure, creating a sense of unity and completeness . The organization is fully sustained between and within paragraphs. The response is

consistently and purposefully focused :


  • Controlling/main idea of a topic is clearly communicated, and the focus is strongly maintained for the purpose and audience
  • consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between and among ideas
  • effective introduction and conclusion
  • logical progression of ideas from beginning to end; strong connections between and among ideas with some syntactic variety




Evidence and Elaboration


The response provides thorough elaboration of the support/evidence for the thesis/controlling idea that includes the effective use of source material . The response clearly and effectively develops ideas, using precise language :

  comprehensive evidence (facts and details) from the source material is integrated, relevant, and specific

  clear citations or attribution to source material

effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques vocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose








The response demonstrates an adequate command of conventions:

  adequate use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling

Purpose and Focus/Organization

  • Demonstrates a thorough and insightful understanding of the task, purpose, and audience.
  • Establishes and maintains a clearly focused thesis/controlling idea throughout the response.
  • Very effectively demonstrates a cohesive and unified structure that supports the argument with an engaging introduction and a strong conclusion.










Content and Development/Language


Develops ideas by adeptly integrating specific details and/or citing credible, source-based evidence to support the thesis/controlling idea . Uses a variety of elaborative techniques.


  • Uses effective and skillful paragraphing and transitional strategies throughout.
  • Demonstrates a very effective style and tone, precise control of language , domain-specific word choice, and an exemplary awareness of audience.
  • Uses effective and skillful paragraphing and transitional strategies throughout.
  • Uses well-structured and varied sentences .





Mechanics and Grammar

Contains few or no errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling.