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M-Step Narrative


MY Access!  Narrative


Organization and Purpose

The organization of the narrative, real or imagined, is fully sustained and the focus is clear and

maintained throughout:

  • an effective plot helps to create a sense of unity and completeness
  • effectively establishes a setting, narrator/characters, and/or point of view
  • consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between and among ideas; strong connection between and among ideas
  • natural, logical sequence of events from beginning to end
  • effective opening and closure for audience and purpose







Evidence and Elaboration

The narrative, real or imagined, provides thorough, effective elaboration using relevant details,

dialogue, and description:

  • experiences , characters, setting and events are clearly developed
  • connections to source materials may enhance the narrative
  • effective use of a variety of narrative techniques that advance the story or illustrate the experience
  • effective use of sensory, concrete, and figurative language that clearly advances the purpose
  • effective, appropriate style enhances the narration





The response demonstrates an adequate command of conventions:

  adequate use of correct sentence formation, punctuation, capitalization, grammar usage, and spelling

Purpose and Focus/Organization

  • Demonstrates an insightful , in-depth understanding of the task, purpose, and audience.
  • Expertly establishes a context and point of view .
  • Thoroughly engages readers by constructing a detailed narrative that focuses on one or several themes and/or central ideas
  • Completes all parts of the task and may go beyond the limits of the task.
  • Demonstrates a cohesive and unified structure by seamlessly connecting the events in a specific sequence, leading to a resolution or conclusion .
  • Uses transitional strategies that clarify relationships between elements in the narrative.
  • Creates well-constructed paragraphs and/or uses formatting very effectively.



Content and Development/Elaboration/Language


  • Expertly develops real or imagined experiences .
  • Creates a vivid picture for readers by using a variety of narrative techniques and descriptive details .
  • Demonstrates a very effective style and tone , precise control of language , and an exceptional awareness of audience.
  • Integrates vivid words and sensory and figurative language that clearly advances the purpose of the narrative. Uses well-structured and varied sentences.






Mechanics and Grammar

Contains few or no errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling.