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Literary Analysis Rubric


Very Effective





















Focus and Purpose


I have a clearly focused thesis/controlling idea and provide a very effective analysis of the literary work.

I have a focused thesis/controlling idea and provide an effective analysis of the literary work.

I have a thesis/controlling idea and provide an adequate analysis of the literary work.

I have a limited thesis/controlling idea and my analysis of the literary work is vague.

I have a weak thesis/controlling idea and my analysis of the literary work is confusing.

I may not have a thesis/controlling idea and little or no analysis of the literary work.



Content Development


I expertly use specific details, information and/or evidence from the story to support the controlling idea.

I successfully use specific details, information and/or evidence from the story to support the controlling idea

I adequately use some specific details, information, and/ or evidence from the story to support the controlling idea.

I use details, information, and/ or evidence from the story, inconsistently, to support the controlling idea.

I use insufficient details, information and/or evidence from the story to support the controlling the idea.

I do not provide enough details, information and/or evidence from the story to

support the controlling idea.





My introduction and conclusion are strong.

My ideas are distinct and organized, and I use strong transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are clearly stated.

My ideas are clearly organized, and I use effective transitional words.

My introduction and

conclusion are adequate.

My ideas are adequately organized, and I use some

transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are weak.

I attempt to organize my ideas, and I use few transitional words.

My introduction and conclusion are not clear.

I have little organization, and I need to include additional transitional words.

I did not include and introduction or conclusion.

I have little or no organization or transitional words.



Language Use, Voice and Style


My vocabulary is varied and very effective, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is varied and effective, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is adequate, and I have a variety of sentences.


My vocabulary is basic, and I have little sentence variety.


My vocabulary is simple, and I have little sentence variety

I use the same vocabulary with no sentence variety.



Mechanics and Conventions


I have few or no errors in grammar and/or mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.


I have few errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.


I have some errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

I have several noticeable or distracting errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling that interfere with the message.

I have serious errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling that

interfere with the message.

I have severe errors in grammar and/or in mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, and spelling that

significantly interfere with the message.