
Release Goals: 

  • Fast and Easy access to add new Data- Improve scheduling of web files
  • New Ways to visualize your data- Improved Geographic mapping support
  • Simplify and improve the use - Usability improvements with dashboards

New Features:

  • Geographic Data Mapping - you can graph your on a map with multiple layers of data.  This allows you to view multiple types of data on a geographic perspective. Mapping works with phone numbers, ipaddresses, and longitude and latitude coordinate field data.
  • Dashboard UI Improvements based on Feedback - Adding content to the dashboard does not refresh the dashboard page.  
  • Embed Dashboard Table or Chart in a Webpage - you can now embed a table or chart into an external webpage with a simple snippet of code.
  • Scheduled Web Hosted CSV file-  you can now simply schedule the fetching and updating of a CSV file that is hosted on a web
  • "Share Up" - you can now share to groups above you in the user hierarchy. 
  • Expiration of Guest Account- graceful expiration of user accounts through email notification and collection of feedback
  • Several Bug Fixes

Release Goals: 

  • Improve stability of dataset loading and failure handling
  • Better support field additions and removal.
  • Geographic mapping support
  • Usability improvements with dashboards

New Features:

  • Geographic Data Mapping - you can graph my data on a map with details such as city, borders, streets,county and other geographic borders so you can view my data in correlation to geography.  Mapping works with phone numbers, ipaddresses, and longitude and latitude coordinate field data.
  • Dashboard UI Improvements based on Feedback - You can now add a chart or table from the dashboard directly.  Dashboards are wallboard/full-screen friendly.  Click the sprocket on the dashboard and go to "Wallboard On".  You can also edit a chart from the dashboard.
  • Recently Accessed Report List - you can view only the reports that you have accessed within the view reports as a filter because so you can get get quick access to the reports that most important to me. 1 #100
  • *Dynamic Adding of Dataset Fields-  *you can now add a fields to a dataset from the query directly.  Dataset data can also have hints to identify the field types.  Ex.  fieldname1<text>,fieldname2<numeric>
  • Stability and reliability of the dataset loading - several improvements were made to make dataset loading to be more stable, load faster, handle issues better, and report the status.
  • iPad, iPhone,and nonflash devise support- all Supercruncher visuals can now render without Adobe Flash.
  • Several Bug Fixes
Supercruncher Release 4.17.2012 - Performance Turbo Boost

Release Goals: 

  • Improve the Speed of the loading of tables, charts, reports, and dashboard
  • Empower users to easily "communicate data" in new ways - custom colors with gauges, dashboard lines
  • Improve dashboard usability- vertical and horizontal lines

New Features:

  • Performance Turbo Boost- Significant improvements to the speed of tables, charts, reports, and dashboard.  Intelligently improves the speed by learning how you use Supercruncher.  
  • Horizontal and Vertical Lines - You can create horizontal and vertical lines on your dashboard to create visual borders and organization.
  • Custom Colors - You can not set custom colors and ranges for the display of data in gauge type charts.  
  • Hide the Dashboard widgets titles- you can hide the widget titles so the widget floats and uses less space on the dashboard
  • Several Bug Fixes
Supercruncher Release 3.28.2012 - Stacked Charts, Batch Share on a Filter

Release Goals: 

  • Usability Improvements to Sharing
  • Batch Sharing and report creation
  • Empower users to easily "communicate data" in new ways - stacked charts

New Features:

  • Additional Chart Types- Create "Stacked" type charts to a report or dashboard because to represent your data in a better way.
  • Batch Sharing based on a filter - You can share a report and the charts and tables in a batch manner by selecting a field in the report with email address.   Each emailaddress will get an email with an individualized report with the filter turned on for just their data.  Great for report cards, progress reports, and customized viewed by person.
  • Sharing Improvements - simplified sharing reports and dashboards to existing and non-existing users
  • Overall Multi-series- you can now include the overall result for each series in a multi-series chart
  • Several Bug Fixes- Formstack integration fixes
Supercruncher Release 3.8.2012 - Gauges and Meters, Better iPad Support

Release Goals: 

  • Improvements to Dataset handling - "Dataset Ants" 
  • Better grouping tables"… pivot sorting, csv, more metrics 
  • "iPad" - Improve the charts with browsers that don't support flash 
  •  Empower users to easily "communicate data" in new ways - meters and guages 

New Features:

  • Additional Chart Types- Meters and Gauges -add "meter" type charts to a report or dashboard because I want to represent my data in a different visual way . 
  • Better grouping tables - sort, retrieve additional rows and columns beyond the limit
  • Datasets - Smaller improvements to datasets that improve the notification, usability, and reliability of dataset handling.  
  • Several Bug Fixes

Release Goals: 

Improvements and additions to:

  • "Supercrunch Cloud Data"- support for third party cloud hosted data
  • "Better tables"… for grouped data
  • "Comparing Metrics"…in custom metrics
  • "Do the time"… more time support for week and quarters
  •  Empower users to easily "communicate data" in new ways

User Stories:

  • Table view for charts - on the dashboard you can now view the data in a table view for data in the chart
  • Color Scheme Selection - you now have the ability to change the color scheme on my charts to control the color and data context
  • Pivot Table- Column Pivoting - Improvements to the pivot table for grouping by columns
  • Custom Metric to compare data- Including fields from other reports - custom metrics can include data fields from another report so you can create metrics that compare data with different filter selections.
  • Time - Quarter and Week - you can now create a table or chart based on week or quarter
  • Cloud Data - you can now incorporate more sources of data into your reports so you can supercrunch contact forms, surveys, and other web forms.  Integration with formstack and remote hosted CSV
  • Bug Fixes: several bug fixes based on feedback

Documentation Updates:

Supercruncher Release 01.17.2012 - Maps, Pivots, and Custom Metrics

Release Goal: 

  • New and Easier ways to visually display and communicate data through maps. 
  • Improve the display and navigation of grouped data and their aggregates. 
  • Improve Navigation to support faster access to recently access reports. 
  • Added support for custom metrics for advanced calculations. 
  • Improvements to Data Transfer Agent to make configuration more centralized 

New Features and Changes:

  • Security: Several Failed attempts on login are locked out to keep data secure.
  • Custom Metrics: create a custom metric that will allow me to total, add, subtract, divide, or multiply multiple fields or values with custom math and formulas.
  • US Map Type Charts: create a US(states), US(States), US(Single State County), US(Regions) map chart using a field zipcode or phone number in your data.  
  • Grouping/Pivot Table: Grouping and Aggregates - As a user, I would like to view grouped table data as a pivot table with the groups drillable and the aggregates summarized for each group because I want to see the the rollup and roll down of table data and the aggregates.
  • Last 5 reports Viewed -you can see the last 5 reports viewed in the Reports navigation drop down to quickly jump from one report to another.
  • Bug Fixes:  fixes issue with activity stream events, group by month issue, keyword search not applying to tables and charts, +15 others.

Release Goal: 

  • Implement Feedback from the usability study on setup speed of report fields and tabs, creating charts.  
  • Reduce the number of reports required to create tables and charts
  • Empower users to easily communicate their data in new ways

New Features and Changes:

  • Group by Many:  you can now create tables grouping with more than two fields or metrics.
  • Reduce the Number of Reports Needed: you can apply filters to headlines and different charts to limit the scope with out creating a new report.
  • Animated Headlines: navigate the headline through through multiple datapoints  rather than just the overview.  You can also the animation speed and watch the data hands free.
  • New Chart Type: You can now create United States country with your data on them.
  • Trending Improvements: you can now control include and exclude dates in a trend line.
  • Usability Improvements: the field selection managing tab fields and results fields is simpler.  
  • Bug Fixes:  fixes issue with activity stream events, group by month issue, keyword search not applying to tables and charts, +15 others.  
Supercruncher Release 11.26.2011 - Simplified Report Tab and Field Setup

Improve the usability and speed of setting up tabs and fields in a report.  Support for exporting data from a table to CSV format.

  • Quickly Add Fields to a Tab -  quickly add a field to a tab when I have hundred or more fields because I want to easily organize my fields into tabs
  • Fast sequencing of Fields - quickly and easily sequence the fields in a report when  you have more than 100 fields and want to set the sequence of which fields in the order you want.
  • Notification of failed datasets- when datasets fail to be loaded into Supercruncher the dataset owner will be notified of the failure by Activity Stream and Watching email.  This feature requires the use of the latest version of the DTA.
  • Exporting Report Tables in to CSV - export a table in a report or dashboard as a csv to manipulate the data in excel or create a local copy of the data.
  • Bug fixes reported post release of 10.4.11

Enhancements to tables and charts to improve usability by validating user selections and providing proactive feedback on what can and can not be done. Table and Chart integration into other parts of the application such as find/search. Provide additional advanced metric options such as ratio, difference, and share in %. Implement some feedback and bug fixes. 

  •  Finding Tables and charts -  search for tables and charts to quickly go to a chart or table.
  •  Limit Number of datapoints/rows to include in the Table or Chart - create a chart with the top 10 sorted by highest or lowest  to focus your chart or table to include only a limited number of data points.
  • Validation of Incompatible chart or table selections - As a user, I would like to be guided into making compatible selections in a chart or table because I don't want to end up with a blank table or confused by why my selections don't render.
  • Advanced Metrics- Ratio and Percentage - support for two advanced metrics: calculate the percentage of ratio, percentage difference and percentage share(exists).
  • Edit and Delete Metrics -you can edit and delete metrics
  • Digest Email - minor improvements to roll-up the events in the email
  • Headline Chart Resizing - As a user, I would like to change the size of the font in the headline because I want to make the text larger or smaller for my dashboard context.
  • Bug fixes reported post release of 9.19.11
Supercruncher Release 9.19.2011 - Reports Usability Release

Supercruncher Update 9.19.2011 Goals:

This release focuses on improving the ability for users to easily create tables and charts so they can be easily published, communicated, and collaborated on.  In the same way we improved the usability of the core navigation of the product,  we have dedicated this release specifically on report features of Supercruncher. 

So what is new in this release?

  • Reports can have many charts and tables.  Previously only one table per report was allowed.  
  • Tables, charts, and formulas are rolled into one improved and common UI to quickly build tables and charts.  
  • Tables and charts are more easily added to dashboards.  Designed to be quick and easy. 
  • More Chart Types: More chart types are supported.  Additional include: Headline/Single Value and funnels.
  • Watching: You can watch a dashboard and receive your emails in a digest form.  
  • Various operational and smaller feedback changes contributed from folks.
  • Also all the new functionality we recently added recently: copy dashboards, commenting, watching reports, performance improvement on report visits.


  • Creating a Table
  • Creating a Chart
  • Adding Tables and Charts to the Dashboard
  • Adding a Metric
Supercruncher Update 8.25.2011 - Watching Reports

Supercruncher Update 8.25.2011 Goals:

The goal of the release was to improve collaboration of reports through watching.

So what is new?

  • Watching a Report  – You can now watch a report by turning on watching by clicking on the Sprocket on the report.  Watching allows you to receive by email and activity stream notification when the report has changed or comments have been added.  You can also unwatch by clicking on a link in the email or from the sprocket in the report.  If you created a report you are automatically watching the report. 
  • Performance Improvement-- when a report index has been updated the first viewing of the report is much faster.  

Example Performance Improvement:  

Before improvement:
1st report visit: 8.029 s
2nd visit: 0.443 s

After improvement:
1st visit: 0.702 s
2nd visit: 0.447 s


  • Watching a Report
Supercruncher Update 7.27.2011 - Comments and Dashboard Resizing

Supercruncher Update 7.27.2011 Goals:

The goal of the release was to improve collaboration of reports and dashboards and make dashboards fit different screens.

So what is new?

  • User Comments on a Report and Dashboard  – folks can now have a comment thread attached to any and all reports or dashboards.  These can be either self-notes and comments or those to collaborate to others.  If a report or dashboard is shared the thread can be available to them.  Commenting can also be turned off by the report owner.   Comments go into the activity stream.
  • Full Size Dashboards – you can now resize the dashboard width and height to take advantage of larger monitors and higher resolution.  This will allow you to fit more on the width of the screen


  • Commenting on a Dashboard
  • Changing the width of your dashboard
Supercruncher Update 7.7.2011 - Embedding Content to Dashboards

Supercruncher Update 7.7.2011 Goals:

The goal of the release was to apply user feedback and bug fixes related to the new release.  We also added some exciting new functionality to add both dynamic and static content to your dashboard.

So what is new?

  • Embedding External Content in a Dashboard -  You can now embed external content into your dashboard including Youtube videos and Wikinvest stock quotes. 
  • Embedding Static Text or HTML in a Dashboard - You can now add notes, pictures, and other content into your dashboard.  
  • Improving the usability by simple communication of user to “events” related to activity with their data.  We fixed several bugs related to the default sizing of post release dashboards, activity stream,and some other minor changes.


Supercruncher Release 6.24.2011 - Usability Release

Supercruncher 6.24.2011 Release Goals:

The goal of the release was to make novice SuperCruncher users more successful and productive. We also made the application easier to develop and extend, so we can more easily add and support features in the future.

So what is changing?: Improved UI release

  • Improving the usability for new novice users navigating and using the product.  We implemented an improved and consistent design and logical navigation and short cuts.
  • Improving the usability by simple communication of user to “events” related to activity with their data.  We added an activity stream that consolidates and logs more than a dozen different types of events. These events include report creation, dataset updates, sharing, new users, and changes to things such as reports, templates, and datasets.
  • Improved User management.  *Revamp of user/group creation and management, so it supports many more permission scenarios including batch user creation. **  *Users now can also belong to more than one group.
  • User profiles: Users have the ability to personalize their experience in Supercruncher with a photo avatar.  This facilitates user collaboration with other users and their data.
  • Improved the usability and functionality of “finding stuff”.  We completely rewrote the way users can find their stuff in a variety of logical and short cut ways.  We added different ways to list sort and group reports, datasets, users, and templates.  We also added a search feature with autocomplete to type a few letters in and jump to what is needed.  This saves time effort and opens up access to data you did not know you had.
  • Dashboarding: Dashboards were completely redone to improve the look, positioning, and ease of use of displaying data from multiple datasets and reports.  More “draggy and droppy” movement and control.  We refactored much of dashboards to support many more things in the future.
  • MultiDimensional Data -- We improved the interface of the vtable that allow easier selection of fields, sorting, and grouping.  We intend to do other things in this area in the future. 
  • Inclusion of Video Walk-through Documentation -- use of a wiki for screencasts of use changes and documentation on how to do different things.  This will be a collaborative tool to manage support and documentation.


What did not change?

  • Everything you do now with Supercruncher is the pretty much the same, however just easier to do.    The function of reports, templates, datasets, NLP, data acquisition, DTA are the same.
  • User accounts and groups:  usernames and passwords will not change.
  • All your data will be there: all your reports, datasets, etc… will still be there. 
  • We did not remove functionality:  We did not remove any feature that is on Supercruncher now.  Nothing is lost.
  • Reports:  We did not change much on the reports page of the product.  There are slight design changes.
  • Sharing: We did not change sharing, but we intend to make some future changes with guest users.
  • Data loading/Templates/Indexing: We did not change how data gets into the system so nothing will need to changed with applications that currently sending data to Supercruncher.

What will change in the near future post releases?

  • Reports: will undergo changes in the future sprints mainly related to breaking up tables and charts from reports to make things simpler to create, find, share, and manage. 
  • MultiDimensional Data:  improving process for MultiDimensional Data to be acquired, designed, and presented.
  • *Guest Users: *we plan to make the guest users(non users of SC who are shared to) permissions and management users
  • Feedback: Implement user feedback from the changes made.  We intend to continue to do our best on making things better based on your feedback.