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Planning and Organizing

Analyzing a Narrative Prompt

Narrative Writing Outline 

Character Chart

Dialogue Tags

Gallery Walk Prewriting Handout

Narrative OutlineChecklist

Narrative Notes

Narrative _Wizard_GuideWriting Guide

Plotting a Narrative

Sensory Descriptions Organizer


6_pt_Narrative (Trait and Holistic)

4_pt_Narrative (Trait and Holistic)

Narrative 6-pt Rubrics (Holistic and TraitRubric (Student Version)

Narrative 4-pt Rubrics (Holistic and Trait)Rubric (Student Version)

Narrative Writing Roadmaps

Writing Road Map Template

Organization:  Goal 1 

Content & Development: Goal  1

Content & Development: Goal 2 

Drafting/ Revising/ Editing

Plotting a Narrative

Narrative Writing Outline 

Narrative Notes
Narrative Timeline
Revision Plan Guidelines

MY Tutor Narrative Feedback

Narrative Writing Guide

Prompt Catalog

 Please apply search filters to locate all narrative prompts.  Keywords such as "multisource" will filter to display all prompts that require students to view/read one or more sources(text, video, quotes...) Keyword "picture" can be used to locate picture prompts.**


EL Narrative Models
MS Narrative_Models
HS Narrative_Models

Narrative Lesson Plans

ES: A Special Day
ES: Trunk in the Attic
MS: Happiest Time in My Life
MS: Learning from Experience
MS: Life in Twenty Years
HS: Memorable Childhood Event