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Adding a Blueprint

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Step 1: Click on the Blueprints tab (Step 1)

Step 2: Next, click on the Add Blueprint button at the top (Step 2)

Step 3: On the page that follows, enter the new blueprint Name, Description (optional) and choose an Assessment Type:

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  1.  Linear: deliver items in a sequential order
  2. Linear Random: randomly delivers the items in a test based upon the blueprint instructions
  3. Adaptive: computer adaptive test (CAT) delivery. This is ideal when the next item or set of items selected depends on the correctness of the test taker’s responses to the previous items. Adaptive testing means that the sequence of items presented to the test taker will be selected based on responses to the previous item.
  1. Content Coverage: 
  2. Item Types: this section defines how many items of each item category can be included in a particular test when building
  3. Configuration


    1. Test Length (required): Set to a default of 30, this defines the number of items a test/assessment will have.
    2. Test Duration: if the test has a time constraint, enter the needed parameters here


Score Formula:

Score Lookup:
