Versions Compared


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  • Improving the usability for new novice users navigating and using the product.  We implemented an improved and consistent design and logical navigation and short cuts.
  • *Improving the usability by simple communication of user to “events” related to activity with their data.  *We   We added an activity stream that consolidates and logs more than a dozen different types of events. These events include report creation, dataset updates, sharing, new users, and changes to things such as reports, templates, and datasets.
  • Improved User management.  *Revamp of user/group creation and management, so it supports many more permission scenarios including batch user creation. **  *Users now can also belong to more than one group.
  • *User profiles: * Users have the ability to personalize their experience in Supercruncher with a photo avatar.  This facilitates user collaboration with other users and their data.
  • *Improved the usability and functionality of “finding stuff”.   *We  We completely rewrote the way users can find their stuff in a variety of logical and short cut ways.  We added different ways to list sort and group reports, datasets, users, and templates.  We also added a search feature with autocomplete to type a few letters in and jump to what is needed.  This saves time effort and opens up access to data you did not know you had.
  • Dashboarding: Dashboards were completely redone to improve the look, positioning, and ease of use of displaying data from multiple datasets and reports.  More “draggy and droppy” movement and control.  We refactored much of dashboards to support many more things in the future.
  • MultiDimensional Data -- We improved the interface of the vtable that allow easier selection of fields, sorting, and grouping.  We intend to do other things in this area in the future. 
  • *Inclusion of Video Walkthrough Documentation Video Walk-through Documentation --  * use of a wiki for screencasts of use changes and documentation on how to do different things.  This will be a collaborative tool to manage support and documentation.




What did not change?


  • Everything you do now with Supercruncher is the pretty much the same however just easier to do.    The function of reports, templates, datasets, NLP, data acquisition, DTA are the same.
  • User accounts and groups:  usernames and passwords will not change.
  • All your data will be there: all your reports, datasets, etc… will still be there. 
  • We did not remove functionality:  We did not remove any feature that is on Supercruncher now.  Nothing is lost.
  • *Reports:  *We  We did not change much on the reports page of the product.  There are slight design changes.
  • *Sharing: * We did not change sharing, but we intend to make some future changes with guest users.
  • *Data loading/Templates/Indexing: * We did not change how data gets into the system so nothing will need to changed with applications that currently sending data to Supercruncher.

What will change in the near future post releases?

  • Reports: will undergo changes in the future sprints mainly related to breaking up tables and charts from reports to make things simpler to create, find, share, and manage. 
  • *MultiDimensional Data --: *improving  improving process for MultiDimensional Data to be acquired, designed, and presented.
  • *Guest Users -- we : *we plan to make the guest users(non users of SC who are shared to) permissions and management users
  • Feedback --: Implement user feedback from the changes made.  We intend to continue to do our best on making things better based on your feedback.